Event Analytics and Net Promoter Score (NPS)


The microsite offers a wide variety of analytics options for easy tracking of viewers, registrants, and events. There is also the Net Promoter Score (NPS), the survey that viewers are provided that allows them to rate events and leave comments. Both of these allow members to receive feedback and how they can improve their offerings.

There are two options to view analytics. First, analytics can be viewed by the Event. This allows the options to see which events did best and to get specific analytics on individual events. Second, there is the option to view Registrant analytics. This shows which viewers have been registering the most and offers the chance to see what variety there is among registrants.

Event Analytics

To view this, click Event Analytics in the admin menu. You can sort the list by name, date, registrants, viewers, or the average NPS. You can export this list to CSV to open in Excel if you want to do more advanced figuring, print, or email the numbers. Click on Details for an individual event to see specific registrations.

When looking at the details, each registrant is listed. Again, this can be exported to CSV or PDF and can be sorted by various options, including email, first and last name, affiliation, and whether watched. The NPS can also be viewed if turned on by clicking the link for NPS. That will be discussed later in the article.

Participant Analytics

Clicking on Participant Analytics offers the ability to view registrants rather than events. At the top, the dates can be filtered, and the total numbers for the time period are shown, as well as the average NPS.

Below is the list of all registrants to events. Just as the Event Analytics, it can be exported to CVS for Excel and PDF. The list can be sorted by various options, including names, Total Registrations, Total Views, and NPS.

This tool is handy when seeing whether a large selection of people is registering or just a few that are always registering. It also allows targeting those who sign up but do not watch and those whose registrations have dropped off.

Registrant Analytics

Registrant Analytics provides a mixture of the other two analytics. It shows a list of every single registration over a period of time. At the top dates can be filtered just like the Participant Analytics page.

Below that is the table. Like the other two, the table can be exported. The list can be sorted by name, email, registration date, and other options as well.

This can be useful to find out the total number of registrations for a period of time, for seeing which specific webinars a person has registered for, or for seeing when registrations occurred to see if an email marketing campaign was working. It also loads very quickly.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Net Promoter Score is turned on for all events. Users will receive a popup window asking them to rate the event when exiting. This allows the user to select a score from 1 to 10 and leave a comment or suggestion for the event.

To view the NPS for a particular event, go to the Event Analytics for the event you want to view and click on the NPS score mentioned above.

This will take you to a familiar screen. It will show the average NPS and the option to export to CVS and PDF and sort the comments. The individual scores and comments are visible to view. This can be useful for getting feedback on your webinars and make sure you’re able to provide the best content to alumni.

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